Sunday, March 13, 2011

The House

Here's Big Chicken sitting on the house:

I imagined the place to be like that part of North by Northwest where Carey Grant is getting chased by the airplane. Just dirt, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded my more dirt. EVERYWHERE TO RUN, NOWHERE TO HIDE! Seems like it would be an easy place to get bored.

Floor plan. The areas in grey aren't relevant to the film:

The house doesn't have a ton of furniture, and what little there is isn't all that fancy. It's like what you'd buy at Ikea, if Ikea sold American antiques.

Rhonda, Darby, and James ride the couch down the stairs:

I think the colors are about right in this one, so I'll adjust the upstairs living room accordingly. The perspective is a bit wonky because it made the composition look better.

March 13, 9:29 pm: I just realized I forgot the bannister.


  1. I like the style. It reminds me of "The Big Snit"- round shapes, simple, colorful, and cheerful. I think it's fine to take liberties with the perspective. You may still want to think of little bits of set decorations that tell you a little something about the characters. What is in the frames? You can draw from their backstories. Do they like candles? Sports teams? Etc.

  2. The house and the characters look great! As mentioned in class before, be careful with perspective. For the outside house layout drawing, maybe having the perspective intentionally warped would add to the 'weirdness' factor of the entire piece. If so that would be pretty cool. Great use of colors too!

  3. I like that chicken. I'm digging the understated color palette, too...I've never seen a cartoon with this color scheme. It looks good. The sky looks white on my screens...I know it's supposed to be yellow, but it might be too pale to register on some screens.
