Saturday, January 14, 2012

Animation Sampler #2

Hey! Long time no see!

Sorry for the lack of posts these last couple weeks. I was back home in the Bay Area with the family and didn't have access to After Effects, so I lacked the means to make any of my Flash files internet-friendly. 

Here's most, but not all, of the shots I animated over Winter Break:

I think they're looking pretty good! People seem to dig them.

The voice you hear coming out of James is that of mister Kurt Quinn, a fantastic voice actor/regular actor/person. I'm glad I got to work with him. He's cool.

I'll try to get an updated animatic up sometime soon. Now that some of the shots have been animated and some real dialogue is in place, the timing needs to be tweaked, which is actually a surprising amount of work.

Also, I've finally got my tumblr up and running, if you want to see that. It's mostly just drawings and old shorts and stuff:


  1. Nice work! Terrific voice actor. The BGs help as well. It is looking really good, Careen!

  2. The voices are perfect for your characters. You make an excellent Rhonda, I might add. I think it's great that you've already started your coloring. It gives you a solid head start and some practice before you go in and do everything final. Look forward to seeing some more animation. Awesome work!

  3. This sampler looks like an incredibly abstract film. I mean that in a good sense.
