Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Animatic Zero Alpha Turbo: Champion Anniversary Edition

I got some notes on my last animatic from the fantastic Mr. David Fain, about parts to change and continuity issues to fix and/or be aware of, so I took the advice to heart and cut a new animatic. After the rewrites and shot changes, I shaved a good eight seconds of animation off of this mammajamma. Then, when I went and re-edited preexisting shots to account for the new content, it ended up increasing the total run time by about seven seconds, due to lengthening some of the holds. 

So, hooray! (?)

Here's the new, full version:

(Also on Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/32135922)

Or, if you're crunched for time, the new segment by itself:

It's another one of those 'more time, less work' situations. There's less action and a lot fewer shots than in previous versions. I like how it turned out.

I ended up cutting the Vertigo shot that occurs when Malcolm looks out at the door when he's landed on the couch. I actually animated a rough test of the shot, and it kind of worked. It looked like a Vertigo shot, with the truck in and zoom out, but it didn't read at all, and would have taken a lot of time to 'perfect', so I went with the tumbleweed instead. It reads much faster, it's easier to animate, and it's funnier.

In the event that I'm unable to finish the film in it's current state before the screening, I do have a Plan B. The film would remain pretty much the same, except I'd cut the hallucination sequence. Darby's hallucination is cool, and I like it a lot, but it's pretty much just for mood and humor, and I can cut it without affecting the structural integrity of the story. 

We'll see if it comes down to that. At the moment, I don't think it will.

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