Sunday, November 20, 2011

Line Weights

I've been thinking about the widths of the outlines for the characters' eyes. I've heard that the area around the eyes should be darker, to draw the viewer's attention to their face, but whoever's saying it is usually talking about sketching or shading. I figured I'd try drawing James' and Rhonda's eyes with a different-sized paintbrush, and see how it turns out.


Original widths on the left.

I don't think it works so much on James. It ends up making his face a bit busy, and it kind of looks like he's wearing makeup. But I think I prefer the thicker outlines on Rhonda. Since her eyes are smaller, it makes them easier to see.

I assume whatever's the case with James also applies to Malcolm, since their eyes are about the same size. Darby's are dots, so he's exempt.


  1. I agree that Rhonda's eyes look better when darkened.


  2. Yeah, I feel the same way about it.

    James with darker eyes doesn't work so much since it looks like it takes more white away and his eyes are already standing out since they go above his head too. But Rhonda does look better this way.

  3. Ditto that. I don't think James wears eyeliner... but the thicker line does make Rhonda's pop out from the light yellow of her face/body.
